Against Utopia has migrated to Substack. Still free. Still anti-authoritarian.
Updates, and the future of this newsletter.
Greetings from Substack! You’re getting this because you subscribed to the Against Utopia TinyLetter, or the Patreon.
First, I’m doing the trendy thing of moving this newsletter to Substack. I was tired of having two separate newsletters, one for long form essays like the Depression Series on TinyLetter, and one for random musings and links and book reviews. I’ve combined the two, and hopefully this enables me to increase my productivity and send you more stuff that you may be interested in under the overall theme of post and anti-rationalism / anti-authoritarianism.
Second, I’ve been super busy since I sent the last newsletter in August 2019. In that newsletter, I announced the 2019 Please Try This At Home Conference in Pittsburgh, where I helped co-organize an anarchist biohacking conference to bring together folks working on (and with) solutions for depression, anxiety, open access to insulin for diabetics, and more. I’m happy to say that conference was an astounding success. If you are interested in hearing the talk I gave there on biohacking mental health, you can check it out here.
The conference also got a little bit of coverage in VICE.
I know some of you donated to the cause, so I definitely wanted to reach out and let you know, I appreciate it. Your money was used to make sure we could expand accessibility for all at the event, by hiring interpreters and ensuring a great experience for neurodiverse and other folks who attended the event. And we met our goal of raising over $7500, so thanks a lot to those of you who pitched in!
Lastly, I moved to Barcelona in November, and things have finally begun to settle down. I am hard at work on the final essay in the series, which will cover DIY solutions for depression from the research that I do not endorse in anyway as I am not a medical professional. However, if you were to try any of them out you’ll have a good idea of the risks, the level of evidence for the, and what to expect. I’m shooting to get that out to you within the next month.
After that, I have a number of other topics in the pipeline that I’ll dive into from an epistemological anarchist perspective, and I have a few book reviews teed up as well.
Thanks for reading!
PS: As always, you’re receiving this because you opted in to get updates from my TinyLetter, or my Patreon. If you no longer want to receive these, just unsubscribe, no hard feelings. Thanks!